The soured taste of disappointment fills the taste bud of many as it stands. The thought of it pierces through their hearts like an edged sword. It breaks their bones, disjoints their hearts and demoralises their entire world.
Deborah Yemi-Oladayo's Blog
Depressed? Going through crisis? Lost hope? Want to give your life to Jesus? Come right in, let's talk.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Heartbreaks, deceits and lies characterize our world
today. It is so sad that, a lot of persons find it difficult to love or to
trust again because; their emotions have been grounded with disappointment. Some individual are beggars today because;
their friends defrauded them while others can’t find true love and trust in
marriage as their partners dashed their hearts on the rocks, rendering what
remained of their love life impotent.
I am not certain what your own problem is or the
extent of your disillusionment. It could be that, you do not want to love again;
you have a deep cut in your heart against your friend as a result of that
betrayal and don’t even want to hear about love and commitment. I empathize
with you and all I have to say is all is well. Leaving in anger and bitterness
is destructive to your inner being and your health, let go of the bitterness and
let God take control of the situation. There is really little to nothing you
can do to change what has happened; only God can. I know you are feeling so
wounded, disappointed and broken, Yes! Jesus understands, He feels your heartbeat too.
I have good news for you from our and Savior Jesus
Christ, “Come unto me all ye that labour, weary, and are heavy laden, I will
give you rest” (Mathew 11:28). No matter what you’ve been through or presently
going through, Jesus is the best healer and will definitely heal your heart.
Taking solace in alcohol will not help but can only
turn you to an irresponsible drunk. Leaving your family to stay with a
man/woman you are not married to will only ruin your life. Seeking revenge is
deadly and will lead to doing that which you will ever live to regret. Only
Jesus has the balm that can heal and soothe your nerves in times of pain and
distress like this.The book of Jeremaiah 46:11 tells us “Go up to Gilead and take balm…In vain shall thou use many medicine, for thou shall not be cured” the above passage is informing those who are heart-broken that, taking hard drugs to kill your conscience of an evil deed will not solve your problem. Sleeping with different men to vent out anger on your husband will not heal you, keeping away from your family will not help the situation, cheating on your wife to take revenge will not help you, robbing people of their valuable at night will not help you. Only Jesus has the healing balm that can you set you free.
If you can forgive those persons who, offended you, you will experience an overwhelming peace which passeth all understanding in your life. Nothing can be more fulfilling and pleasant like being at peace with all men. Satan do not have any good thing to offer to you. The scripture confirms that in John 10:10 “Devil cometh to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus has come to give you life more abundantly”. Do forgive and forget.
Surrender your life to the Lordship of our Lord and Saviour and see a divine transformation of your being. Confess all your sins to Jesus and forsake them. He is not a task master just like some persons may insinuate, He is ever loving and merciful and He is always ready to help and save you from death. The bible tells us that “I am (Jesus) not come for the righteous but for the sinners to come to repentance.” (Mathew 9:13).
“If thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord
Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shall
be saved”. (Romans 10:9,13)
Beloved, go on your knees in prayer now and invite
Jesus into your life for a relationship here on earth and an eternity in heaven.
His arms are wide open, He is earnestly waiting. Just take out that step of
faith and you shall forever be happy that you did.
God bless you.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Challenges, commotions, fear of the unknown, sufferings,
death, evil amongst others characterizes our society presently. It is constantly from one
evil occurrence to the other. There are joblessness, marital wars, terrorism, earthquakes,
famine, volcano eruption…the endless struggle for survival continues. The
hearts of many are already failing them; the younger ones are faced with a
daunting bleak future and infidelity is now the order of the day. There is uncertainty
Right in the face of these storms of life, many are
being misguided and they are not seeking help appropriately. The more they tend
to run faster than their shadows, the more entangled they become with disappointments.
Some resort to alcohol, hard drugs, immorality etc. to manage the stress and
hard breaks but the truth is that, those methods can never solve any problem
else, it aggravates the issues to other ordeals because; evil can never be used
to fight evil.
God is not interested in your past life of sin and
mistakes as long as you will confess and forsake them. “If we confess
our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from our sins and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) There is a fountain
filled with the blood of Jesus, which was shed on the Cross of Calvary for your
unrighteousness and the forgiveness of your sins, it is still available now to wash
all your sins away. Devil might try to condemn you and the guilt of your past life
might be flashing through your mind, but note this: the bible says in 1 John
3:20 “For if our heart
condemns us, God is greater than our hearts and knoweth all things”
So what are you waiting for? Give Jesus a chance in
your life today. He is standing at the door of your heart knocking. He loves
you, He cares for you and want to give you peace. Please do not ignore this
Sunday, January 18, 2015
I want to introduce you to my special friend, His name is JESUS. He
changed my life entirely, He will transform you as well if you will
give him the chance in your life.He loves you so much even when you do
not deserve it. He is the owner of your life and He will soon come and
take the saints home, will you be among them?
"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye
and believe the gospel". (Mark 1:15.) Repentance and faith in Christ
is the key to eternal life. You might ask yourself why you need to
repent of your sins to enter the kingdom of God. The answer is in
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
The door to eternal life had long been opened by death of Jesus Christ
and through the atonement of His blood for the sins of mankind on the
cross of calvary. Christ had redeemed you, all you need to do is
renounce your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. The
moment you welcome Jesus into your life, everything about you will
change for the best.
Do not be blindfolded by the post you hold in your church or the
deception you put up for people to believe that you are still born
again when you know you have backlisden, how long will you continue to
deceive yourself? The Lord is a God of knowledge and by Him actions
are weighed. Repent now for it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.
Could it be that you are considering what people will do or say to you
when you give your life to Jesus? Are you mindful of their ridicule or
rejection? Remember he who laugh last, laugh best. Don't allow anyone,
no matter who, to keep you from believing in The Lord Jesus Christ and
making heaven at last. Please accept Jesus now, procrastination is
deadly, tomorrow might be too late.
However, if you stick to those sins in your life tightly and refuse to
renounce and repent of them, in eternity, you will have a question to
answer. As you've heard the voice of The Lord calling out to you, do not harden your heart.
I want to introduce you to my special friend, His name is JESUS. He
changed my life entirely, He will transform you as well if you will
give him the chance in your life.He loves you so much even when you do
not deserve it. He is the owner of your life and He will soon come and
take the saints home, will you be among them?
"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye
and believe the gospel". (Mark 1:15.) Repentance and faith in Christ
is the key to eternal life. You might ask yourself why you need to
repent of your sins to enter the kingdom of God. The answer is in
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
The door to eternal life had long been opened by death of Jesus Christ
and through the atonement of His blood for the sins of mankind on the
cross of calvary. Christ had redeemed you, all you need to do is
renounce your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. The
moment you welcome Jesus into your life, everything about you will
change for the best.
Do not be blindfolded by the post you hold in your church or the
deception you put up for people to believe that you are still born
again when you know you have backlisden, how long will you continue to
deceive yourself? The Lord is a God of knowledge and by Him actions
are weighed. Repent now for it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.
Could it be that you are considering what people will do or say to you
when you give your life to Jesus? Are you mindful of their ridicule or
rejection? Remember he who laugh last, laugh best. Don't allow anyone,
no matter who, to keep you from believing in The Lord Jesus Christ and
making heaven at last. Please accept Jesus now, procrastination is
deadly, tomorrow might be too late.
However, if you stick to those sins in your life tightly and refuse to
renounce and repent of them, in eternity, you will have a question to
answer. As you've heard the voice of The Lord calling out to you, do not harden your heart.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
It is evident that there are painstaking times all around. It seems that the more people strive to have a better life the more difficult and elusive things turns out to be. The truth is that, this is the end time. Things won't get any better but one thing is for sure; those that put their trust in The Lord shall not be put to shame -(Romans 10:11)
Are you wearied? Is your marriage or relationship almost tearing apart?, are you uncertain of the future? Are you struggling with an addiction and desires to be free?, are you working like an elephant and eating like an ant? Are you in need of a job? or is it sickness? The questions are endless. The scripture tells us in Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord , the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" Of course there is nothing God cannot do. God will see you through.
The name of JESUS is higher and stronger than any power, thing or name that ever exist. His name is greater than any unseemly situation, so I decree over your life in the name of JESUS that every invisible barrier to your blessings, bondage of addiction, evil powers that holds you down be broken in the name of JESUS amen!.
The right hand of God which is filled with power and authority shall uphold you now and always . You shall prosper in all you do. Amen!
Always remember that JESUS LOVES YOU.
It is evident that there are painstaking times all around. It seems that the more people strive to have a better life the more difficult and elusive things turns out to be. The truth is that, this is the end time. Things won't get any better but one thing is for sure; those that put their trust in The Lord shall not be put to shame -(Romans 10:11)
Are you wearied? Is your marriage or relationship almost tearing apart?, are you uncertain of the future? Are you struggling with an addiction and desires to be free?, are you working like an elephant and eating like an ant? Are you in need of a job? or is it sickness? The questions are endless. The scripture tells us in Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord , the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" Of course there is nothing God cannot do. God will see you through.
The name of JESUS is higher and stronger than any power, thing or name that ever exist. His name is greater than any unseemly situation, so I decree over your life in the name of JESUS that every invisible barrier to your blessings, bondage of addiction, evil powers that holds you down be broken in the name of JESUS amen!.
The right hand of God which is filled with power and authority shall uphold you now and always . You shall prosper in all you do this week Amen!
Always remember that JESUS LOVES YOU!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Knowing who you are in Christ Jesus.
Study text: 1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”
Discovering, living out and maintaining your identity as a child of the most High God should be your ultimate goal this year (if you are not doing that already). Several Christians wallow in ignorance of who they really are in the sight of God thus, they are being blown away by the uncertainties of this life. If you see yourself the manner God perceives you, your spiritual life and your outlook in life will entirely change. You are God’s best, the apple of His eye and a Masterpiece!
Satan understands your place in the heart of God because He had been there before, that is why he will never give up inattacking your MIND; the one important instrument which he freely uses to get down a child of God. It is essential that you should understand how your mind works and know that it is the power house of all your senses which makes it easy for your reasoning to change as soon as your mind is affected either positively or negatively. That is why the scripture tells us in Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God.”
God endowed you as a Christian with so much power and authority to function and live victoriously in life. The truth is that you limit yourself when you don’t study the word regularly and also melt away in the face of adversity because you have no confidence in your creator. Some persons compromise their standards for a piece of cake because there is complex in their lives and they do not understand that Christ the King is their God.
Young David understands who he is as a Christian and the awesomeness of the God of Israel when he challenged Goliath the uncircumcised Philistine who was blaspheming the name of God. Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego understand their identity as the indomitable of God; which is the strong reason behind their refusal to bow to another god outside the living God. Joshua and Caleb knew that surely there are giants on the way but for the fact that they are children of God, victory will be theirs. Daniel ignored the counsel of king Nebuchadnezzar but continued to pray to the Lord of All because he knew that his heavenly father has the final say.What a commendable confidence!
Notably, your mind plays a vital role in this. Whatever you process up there affects your total carriage and discipline. If your mind is weakened with the happenings around you, your inclination and disposition will also be weak but when your mind is fired up with the promises in the word which brings about confidence in God, you will unleash victoriously as a child of God.
Now, the devil attacks your mind by bringing up discouraging thoughts and ill imaginations to you.
Most of the times, whathe presents are equally true, but children of God are living in a higher realm and are not moved by what they see or feel.For instance, you might be facing a financial difficulty and Satan will bring it before you, ridicules your dependence on God and suggests an illegal means to make money. It could be that you are believing God for a life partner and as a child of God, you are not giving in to fornication which tends to be the other of the day and yet you are not married but your mates who does all that are in their husbands houses; Satan will use that to work on your mind so you can be discouraged and start living in immorality in order to marry. Do not fail in your trying times, for your God is well ABLE to see you through it all.
However, the word of God has a blueprint on how to deal with the accuser of brethren in Ephesians 6: 10-18.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers” (verse 12) The devil is more dangerous because you do not see him physically to know the strategy he wants to use against you or how he tends to lure you to sin.
“Therefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day.” (verse 13) The whole armour of God here is the word of God. When devil attacks your mind or make you feel less of yourself, fire him back with the word. The word of God has a great power imbedded in it that millions of devils grouped together cannot even dare it. Also, when you speak out the word of God, faith and confidence is released into your life. And remember, the word of God cannot return to God void without fulfilling that which it has been sent out for.
“….and having the breastplate of righteousness” (verse 14) As you live in righteousness/holiness, you live out the life of Christ and this brings you very close to God sothat all gaps (sin) which might attract the devil are bridged.
“And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (verse 15). This means evangelism. When you preach to sinners and backslidden Christians, it helps you to keep away from sin and gives you an eternal covering.
“Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (verse 16) Faith is the key word here, you shield yourself from attacks when devil sees that all his subtle strategies arenot getting at you as a result of your faith in Christ and His promises which are ye and Amen.
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit…” (Verse 18) Praying in the spirit which is speaking in tongues fortifies your mortal body and energizes your spirit being. As a child of God, praying always is important as it draws you closer to God and he makes His will and plan for your life to be known through prayer.
Beloved, you are wonderfully and beautifully created, problems are inherent in life; they come and go. Challenges are not designed to swallow you but to align your steps and make you stronger. Today, change you negative notion about yourself and things happening to you. Set out attainable goals for the year and work towards achieving them. Stand up! Your chains are long gone on the cross of Calvary; you have been set free and given a place as an heir in God’s kingdom. Shake off those shackles of doubt and misery and work forever in God’s liberty.
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