Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Overcoming Conflict in the Home.

James 3:17,18 – But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality  and without hypocrisy. (18) And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that have peace.

So many times people ask this question; is it possible to actually overcome conflict in the home? Yes it is possible. Conflicts arise from time to time in the home because no one is perfect, two persons who came from different background and orientation are bound to see some things differently but in our study today, we are going to discuss the possible ways of reducing its recurrence in the Christian home.

So many marriages have hit an untimely rock as a result of minor conflicts which the couple would have curbed at its earliest stage but they allowed it to magnify to the extent that it has to lead to separation of the couple. On many occasions, these so called conflicts are sometimes things which the people involved can easily avoid from occurring but the presence of pride and quest for rights have caused a lot of damages to homes, even to some Christian families.

Temper is one the issues facing so many couples at least, the ones that I know. There is usually this inability of some Christian women to control their temper whenever something irritates them. They get easily touchy, aggressive, violent and boisterous and at such times, anything can happen. I advise that you allow the Holy Spirit to uproot the spirit of temper from your life if you are under its influence. Do not take decisions or make proclamations when your temper is raised because the outcome will really be disastrous.

The scripture tells us in 1 Peter 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart , in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quite spirit…. For a Christian wife, greater emphasis
L is laid on having an inward adornment of a meek and quite spirit because once the inner man (the spirit) is made whole, it has a way of affecting the physical appearance and behaviour of the woman in the home.  Having a meek and quite spirit might sound simple but in reality, it is all encompassing and will be evident in controlling the incessant upsurge of conflict in the Christian home.  

The possession of a meek and quite spirit for a woman will affect the way she uses her tongue. She will not be rash or harsh in speaking; her words will be full of grace. This gentle spirit will help her level of tolerance. She will learn to accommodate and overlook some things from her husband no matter how it strikes to provoke her. She will avoid unnecessary argument and heated conversations. This spirit will remove arrogance, fault finding, lack of trust, unruly and disorderly living etc.

The glaring truth still remains that virtually all women are the same and reason alike. The only 
singular thing that stands some out of the crowd is their personal relationship with God. Am referring to those who have genuinely committed their lives and homes to God. Not those who pretend outside 
for people to see but in their closets, they are wolves. Jesus is the only one that will give you that difference you need. With the spirit of God living in you, there will be an amazing peace in your house. Although storms can arise sometimes; but you shall overcome because our Lord Jesus overcame for us.

I want to let you know that Christ is very much interested in your marriage. He so much desires that your marriage succeeds and grows. He delights in seeing you, your husband and children live in peace and harmony. The major and the most significant way of overcoming conflict in the Christian home is by allowing Jesus to have His rightful place in your home. See your marriage as a triangular 
relationship where husband and wife are at the bottom and Christ at the helm. The bible tells us in 
John 15:5 …For without me, you shall do nothing. When Christ reigns in the home, the family will blossom and there will be togetherness and love, but once the couple detach themselves from Christ and start living in sin or get involved in self-management, Satan will come in and wreak havoc in such a family.
Am certain that so many of you that are reading this message are undergoing one conflict or the other in your marriages, it might not be your fault but you have a role to play in fixing it. Divorce is not a 
consideration, think about the trauma and the effect it will have on your children and most importantly, the word of God is against it (Read 1 Corinthians 7:10-11). Nothing can change the word of God not even the laws of the land. I trust God to give you the change you desire and embed you with His spirit which shall help you rearrange your life, home and set your priorities right. Conflict in the home can be avoided, reduced, managed and stopped; the ball is in your court, Jesus is seeing all that you are going through but He wants you to bring it to Him in prayer. Beloved, when there is a positive change in your life, it shall manifest in your disposition and inclination. Jesus can cleanse you from every unrighteousness and decorate your home colourfully with His peace and love.

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