Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Submissiveness and The Christian Wife

Colossians 3;18 - Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as it is in the Lord.

The word submission for the Christian wife is something that most women do not wish to have in their family dictionary these last days. There is a great misconception of the virtue of submission as God commanded in the above scripture by a lot of women. The advent of equality, feminism, womanism and the likes have changed some women's notion about this but the fact still remains that the word of God will stand forever and can never be altered.

Submission here entails reference and recognising the husband to be head which God has made him to be. This is the area where problem come into the home. The Christian wife is not anywhere relegated to the background but the due respect is accorded the husband as the case may be. She submits her will and decisions to him and allows him take the lead in the home. There is nothing like fighting over a choice. That does not mean that her opinion will not count anymore but she sure will align her priorities with her husbands' to avoid misunderstanding.

In the similar vein, the wife who submits to her husband gains his trust and respect all the time. Sincerely, it can only take a renewed christian wife who is truly born again to submit to her husband without any form of rebellion or feeling of her rights being abused. The presence of Jesus in her life which invariably brings humility is the only thing that can make a difference and bring conviction of the above scripture. In her home Jesus leads, controls and directs her life.
Any woman who finds it difficult to be submissive should prayerfully ask God to help her do so.  This is necessary for God's peace and blessings in the home. It cannot be compared. May God help us to always submit to our husbands as God instructs, Amen.

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