Friday, November 29, 2013

The Sanctified Life

Generally speaking, there are three experiences or the work of grace that exist in Christ. They are; the salvation experience, sanctification and the Holy Ghost baptism. Once a sinner is converted to Christ, a certain measure of the Spirit of God dwells in him/her. Even with the Spirit which is inherent, certain inadequacies still exits, which lead the new convert to the sanctification experience in Christ Jesus.

Sanctification as the word goes means the purging off and a total cleansing of the Adamic nature of sin in the life of a child of God. As we all know that sin came into the world through Adam and Eve. Psalm 51:5 tells us that I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me’.  The above shows us that all men wereconceived and bare in sin. That was not the original plan of God concerning mankind. He designed this world to be beautiful, enjoyable and provided all things that man might need in the Gardenof Eden until the tempter; the serpent, the devil deceived the woman into disobeying God and ate the forbidden fruit. Through that medium, sin was dispersed into the world and it will continue thus until Christ will come and take His children home. That is why it is important for us to be born again and also tell others about Jesus.

The Adaminc nature of sin is that nature that still exists in the life of a Christian after salvation. That is when a believer still has intruding desires to sin. Let us take for example a person who lives in fornication and let’s say stealing too. There still will exist this desire to steal and fornicate whenever the individual come across an oppositesex  or something lying bare, there will still be this desire which  is still living within that will be suggesting to the believer to go into sin of stealing or fornication as the case may be. If a child of God is not sanctified, the person is still rooted in sin. The very newness and the out-breaking from a dire sinful lifestyle can only come through sanctification.

Now let us consider a tree that is hewed down, if the tree trunk is still rooted in the soil, regeneration will take place and fresh leaves will start sprouting out on the body because the base of the tree is still alive. If nothing is done quickly to prevent the growth, the tree will grow up again, this time, even bigger than what it used to be. That is a typical state of a born again Christian. It is one thing to be born again, that is the hewing down of the sinful lifestyle (that is cutting down the body of the tree) and another thing to uproot the nature and base of sinwhich comes through sanctification to prevent regeneration of those sinful habits.

The disciples of Jesus even after accepting to follow Him were still arguing, contending with one another and seeking for position in the house of God (wanting to be a leader instead of a servant in the house of God) that was why Jesus prayed for them to be sanctified so that those roots of sin will be uprooted from them (Read John 17:6-23)

Proper sanctification comes in when a child of God understands that there is a root of sin in every life that is not yet sanctified and goes to God in prayer for the roots to be uprooted. There is no definite or particular sin that should be addressed here; sin is sin no matter the leverage. The only person that can uproot those roots is God and you are the only one who knows whether the Adamic nature of sin is still in you.

Sanctification is important for every believer and it is a beautiful experience. It terminates and kills sin in one’s life and enables the person live victoriously in Christ. Once you are sanctified, and continued in God, there will not be any more desire in your life to sin. Now that you are born again, are you sanctified? If the answer is no, please go on your knees now in earnest prayer and tell God to uproot sin from your life and sanctify you accordingly. May God empower you to do so in Jesus name, Amen!

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