Thursday, February 26, 2015


Challenges, commotions, fear of the unknown, sufferings, death, evil amongst others characterizes our society presently. It is constantly from one evil occurrence to the other. There are joblessness, marital wars, terrorism, earthquakes, famine, volcano eruption…the endless struggle for survival continues. The hearts of many are already failing them; the younger ones are faced with a daunting bleak future and infidelity is now the order of the day. There is uncertainty everywhere.
Right in the face of these storms of life, many are being misguided and they are not seeking help appropriately. The more they tend to run faster than their shadows, the more entangled they become with disappointments. Some resort to alcohol, hard drugs, immorality etc. to manage the stress and hard breaks but the truth is that, those methods can never solve any problem else, it aggravates the issues to other ordeals because; evil can never be used to fight evil.

In the midst of all these alarming disorders, there is only a place where you can find abiding peace which lasts forever; that is in JESUS. You see, it is only in Christ that you can find real peace which flows like a river, the best rest for your aching soul. That is why the bible tells us in (John 14: 27) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You can only experience this peace when you accept Jesus into your life as your Lord, personal Savior and Friend. He is the answer to your life questions, Jesus is the only reason for living and without Him, life is absolutely meaningless. Jesus is a friend who stands by you when all persons have deserted you. He is the only helping hand you need inside that pit of agony and pain that you are in right now. Only Jesus can set you free.

God is not interested in your past life of sin and mistakes as long as you will confess and forsake them. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) There is a fountain filled with the blood of Jesus, which was shed on the Cross of Calvary for your unrighteousness and the forgiveness of your sins, it is still available now to wash all your sins away. Devil might try to condemn you and the guilt of your past life might be flashing through your mind, but note this: the bible says in 1 John 3:20 “For  if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our hearts and knoweth all things”

So what are you waiting for? Give Jesus a chance in your life today. He is standing at the door of your heart knocking. He loves you, He cares for you and want to give you peace. Please do not ignore this call.


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