Tuesday, March 3, 2015


As part of the fulfillment of the gospel of Christ about the perilous times that will come upon the earth, most persons are experiencing inexplicable hard times. Some persons experience heart breaks with friends, spouses and trusted family members. As a result, uncountable persons these days die of cardiac arrest, a huge numbers go to early grave while a lot others live in dire unbearable situations.

Heartbreaks, deceits and lies characterize our world today. It is so sad that, a lot of persons find it difficult to love or to trust again because; their emotions have been grounded with disappointment.  Some individual are beggars today because; their friends defrauded them while others can’t find true love and trust in marriage as their partners dashed their hearts on the rocks, rendering what remained of their love life impotent.  

I am not certain what your own problem is or the extent of your disillusionment. It could be that, you do not want to love again; you have a deep cut in your heart against your friend as a result of that betrayal and don’t even want to hear about love and commitment. I empathize with you and all I have to say is all is well. Leaving in anger and bitterness is destructive to your inner being and your health, let go of the bitterness and let God take control of the situation. There is really little to nothing you can do to change what has happened; only God can. I know you are feeling so wounded, disappointed and broken, Yes! Jesus understands, He feels your heartbeat too.

I have good news for you from our and Savior Jesus Christ, “Come unto me all ye that labour, weary, and are heavy laden, I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28). No matter what you’ve been through or presently going through, Jesus is the best healer and will definitely heal your heart.
Taking solace in alcohol will not help but can only turn you to an irresponsible drunk. Leaving your family to stay with a man/woman you are not married to will only ruin your life. Seeking revenge is deadly and will lead to doing that which you will ever live to regret. Only Jesus has the balm that can heal and soothe your nerves in times of pain and distress like this.

The book of Jeremaiah 46:11 tells us “Go up to Gilead and take balm…In vain shall thou use many medicine, for thou shall not be cured” the above passage is informing those who  are heart-broken that, taking hard drugs to kill your conscience of an evil deed will not solve your problem. Sleeping with different men to vent out anger on your husband will not heal you, keeping away from your family will not help the situation, cheating on your wife to take revenge will not help you, robbing people of their valuable at night will not help you. Only Jesus has the healing balm that can you set you free.

If you can forgive those persons who, offended you, you will experience an overwhelming peace which passeth all understanding in your life. Nothing can be more fulfilling and pleasant like being at peace with all men. Satan do not have any good thing to offer to you. The scripture confirms that in John 10:10 “Devil cometh to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus has come to give you life more abundantly”. Do forgive and forget.

Surrender your life to the Lordship of our Lord and Saviour and see a divine transformation of your being. Confess all your sins to Jesus and forsake them. He is not a task master just like some persons may insinuate, He is ever loving and merciful and He is always ready to help and save you from death. The bible tells us that “I am (Jesus) not come for the righteous but for the sinners to come to repentance.” (Mathew 9:13).

“If thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved”. (Romans 10:9,13)
Beloved, go on your knees in prayer now and invite Jesus into your life for a relationship here on earth and an eternity in heaven. His arms are wide open, He is earnestly waiting. Just take out that step of faith and you shall forever be happy that you did.

"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end". ( Jeremiah 29:11) Stand up from that seat of dejection, wipe your tears, brace up, for Jesus has overcome for you.

God bless you.


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